Movie Review: We’re The Millers


We’re the Millers was a movie I was dying to see, for only one reason…. Jennifer Aniston as a stripper.

Not only did that make me very happy while watching this film, I was pleasantly surprise at how funny it was. Jason Sudeikis was on the same level he has always been. He was witty, sarcastic and was dropping one-liners all over the place, which had me laughing throughout the movie.

But who stole the movie for me was Will Poulter, who played Kenny, the innocent virgin “son” in the movie. He was hilarious, playing the Michael Cera-type role from Superbad to perfection.

The movie is about David Clark (Sudeikis), is a dirtbag pot dealer who got robbed of all his money. His boss (Ed Helms) makes him go get a large supply of marijuana from Mexico, wanting him to smuggle it into the US, which he would be paid well for it.

David gets the idea that most “suburban” families in RVs don’t get asked too many questions at the borders, so he decides to hire Rose (Aniston), who is a stripper, Kenny (Poulter), who’s a neglected child who lives in his apartment, and Casey, a homeless girl played excellently by Emma Roberts.

They make believe they are family and get into all sorts of awkward, dangerous and funny situations to and from their pick up and back home.

It’s one of those funny R-rated comedies studios have been throwing out there over the years, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make you laugh throughout. When you watch it, be aware of the scene where Kenny gets bit by the spider. Absolutely hilarious!

And, as an extra incentive fellas, Jennifer Aniston has never looked better. She really is the only woman who looks better as she gets older.

So if you’re looking for an enjoyable film filled with laughs, We’re the Millers surely won’t disappoint!


Eric Landro